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The Virgin with the sleeping infant Jesus by 
																	Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

( French, 1780 - 1867 )

The Virgin with the sleeping infant Jesus




oil on canvas


47.01 in. (119.40 cm.) (height) by 33.98 in. (86.30 cm.) (width)


Paris, Palais de l'École Impériale des Beaux-Arts, Catalogue des tableaux, études peints, dessins et croquis de J.-A.-D. Ingres, 1867, no. 1; Paris, Musée du Louvre, Ingres (1780-1867), February 24-May 15, 2006, no 138


Henri Delaborde, Ingres, sa vie, ses traveaux, sa doctrine, d'apr ès les notes manuscrites et les lettres du ma ître, Paris, 1870, p. 181, no. 10; Charles Gounod, Mémoirs d'un artiste, Paris, 1896, pp. 110-2; Henry Lapauze, Les Dessins de J.A.D. Ingres du musée de Montauban, Paris, 1901 text volume, p. 148 and note 1; no. 149 (as 1827); Jules Momméja, Ingres: biographie critique, Paris, n.d. (1903), p. 101; Jules Momméja, Collection Ingres au musée de Montauban, Paris, 1905, p. 80; Louis Flandrin, "Deux disciples d'Ingres: Paul et Raymond Balze," Gazette des Beaux-Arts, VI, no. 650, August, 1911, p. 154; Georges Wildenstein, Ingres, New York, 1954, p. 211, no. 229, illustrated fig. 144; Georges Wildenstein, Ingres (2nd, revised edition), London, 1956, p. 190, no. 133, illustrated p. 190, fig. 79; Hans Naef, "Portrait Drawings by Ingres in the Art Institute of Chicago," Museum Studies (Art Institute of Chicago), no. 1, 1966, p. 71; Ingres, exh. cat., Petit Palais, Paris, 1967-1968. p. 320, cited under no. 249; Emilio Radius and Ettore Camesasca, L'Opera completa di Ingres, Milan, 1968, pp. 107-8, no. 129a. illustrated p. 106; Daniel Ternois and Ettore Camesasca, Tout l'oeuvre peint d'Ingres, Paris, 1971, p. 108, no. 130a, illustrated p. 106; Daniel Ternois, Ingres (French ed.), Milan, 1980, p. 183, no. 242, illustrated; Patricia Condon, In pursuit of Perfection: The Art of J.-A.-D. Ingres, exh. cat, The J.B. Speed Art Museum, and traveling, Louisville, Kentucky, 1983-1984, p. 136, 245; Edgar Munhall, Ingres and the Comtesse d'Haussonville, exh. cat., The Frick Collection, New York, 1985-1986, p. 56; W.M. Brady & Co., Inc., Old Master Drawings, New York, 1990, n.p., cited under no. 31; Annalisa Zanni, Ingres: catalogo completo dei dipinti, Florence, 1990, p. 149; Georges Vigne, assisted by Éric Moinet Montauban, Papiers d'Ingres: Vierges folles et vierges sages, exh. cat., Musée Ingres and Orléans, Musée des Beaux-Arts, 1992-1993, p. 2, 4, cited under no. 11; 20, note 3; Georges Vigne, Dessins d'Ingres: catalogue raisonné des dessins du musée de Montauban, Paris, 1995, p. 58-9, illustrated p. 59 (for studies of the Christ Child); Georges Vigne, Ingres, Paris, 1995, p. 228, 230, 335


Raymond-Joseph-Antoine Balze (a gift from the artist); Baron Joseph Raphaël Vitta, Lyon and Paris (and sold: Hôtel Drouot, Paris, Catalogue des tableaux modernes, aquarelles et dessins.. provenant de la Collection Baron Joseph Rapha ël Vitta, June 27-28, 1924, lot 56); M. Gradt (acquired at the above sale); Joseph Hotermans, Paris (until 1968); Private Collection



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